small business owners

When Working from Home Isn't Working for You: Tips for Making the Most of Your Space

Are you still working from home due to COVID concerns in the workplace? One major change we've seen in society since the beginning of this pandemic is the shift in employer mentality regarding remote workers and what they can do for business. More and more business owners are realizing that many, if not all, of their employees and staff can efficiently perform their job responsibilities from home, without the overhead of renting office space, paying for utilities and office supplies, etc. If you're one of these employees, working from home probably seemed grand for the first few weeks. 

Until, it wasn't. 

If you weren't prepared for, or accustomed to, working from home, it's a big change, and it isn't always easy. Many people don't have a home office set up as a regular part of their layout. If you have children, your work days might be more than a little chaotic as you balance conference calls, reports, and dealing with clients while shielding your computer from PB&J sandwiches and a game of football toss. Even if you don't have kids at home during the work day, simply not having a space to designate for work can be draining. You feel like work never actually ends, as your kitchen table is now your desk and workspace as well. 

The best solution would be to add on an office or two, right? As much as we support that decision, it's just not a likely option for many families. While not everyone can add on or designate an entire room to be an office, there are ways you can make an in-home workspace possible without spending a fortune on materials or furniture. Where should you start? 

  • Spare rooms. Do you have a guest room that is currently empty? What about a walk-in closet that doesn't get much use? Look for any spare areas in your home that could be "loaned out" as an office for you. Small, modular desk systems are easy to customize for small spaces, so you could fit a corner workspace into that guest room, or turn that closet into your own office hideout. Thinking creatively is the best way to start.

  • Getting creative with furniture. If you don't have a spare room, putting a new spin on pieces of furniture is another great option. Look for a hutch or writing desk system that closes up. Placing something like this in a dining room, kitchen area, or even bedroom allows you a place to store work computers, materials, and more, but doesn't leave it strewn about at the end of the day. You can closet the doors or lid, and visually "end" your work day. 

  • Collaborate and share the load. Do you have local friends or nearby neighbors also working from home? Perhaps you could coordinate to take shifts, letting your home be the "hangout" for everyone's kids for a few hours each morning, and then trading off in the afternoon. That allows each household to have a window of quiet, uninterrupted time each day to take care of conference calls, client consultations, and other tasks that are nearly impossible in a busy, noisy home. 

  • Check on your timing. If balancing kids and work is a struggle with your limited space. consider your schedule. Is there a way you could pack in more work hours early in the morning before your kids are awake and rolling? Could you create a designated "quiet" time that serves as a power hour for your job? Coming together as a family and working as a team where everyone is heard is the best way to make working from home go more smoothly. 

Newton Peach Marketing works with some of the best business owners in the greater Polk County area, and we've seen them admirably rise to the occasion during the COVID crisis of this past year. They have altered schedules, worked around their employees' needs, and shown, once again, what a WONDERFUL place Winter Haven can be. We are excited to see them continuing to grow and thrive in spite of all the unexpected events of this year, and are thankful to be part of that growth. Is your business blossoming in the midst of 2020? If not, Newton Peach Marketing would love to come alongside you and help you formulate a plan to get your name in front of the customers and clients who need to see it most. Our goal is to help you meet YOUR goals. Call for a consultation! 

Networking Matters Now More Than Ever: Tips for Employers and Applicants

With Florida preparing to slowly open businesses back up to the public, many employers are looking around at their now sparse staff and wondering how they're going to start up again. A quick hire without forethought can be bad news for your business, but we also know you're in a pinch to fill spaces quickly! The same is true for those who are now unemployed due to the recent shutdown  and face the uphill climb of finding a new job. Blindly going through the motions of trying to find the right fit can be time consuming, stressful, and disappointing.  Much like “cold calling” for salesmen, attempting to find employees (or find a job) without some prior connections will typically more time and more effort. Working within circles you’ve already created can make the process much more efficient. The problem, however, lies within creating those circles in the first place.  It can be hard to know how to make connection with other business owners, professionals in your area, and/or potential employees at this time, even as the re-opening process begins. Networking is the answer to making needed connections, and while it might look different for a while, there are still plenty of opportunities for you to make the connections you’re searching for!

Chamber Meetings

Your local Chamber of Commerce is a great place to start when seeking out networking opportunities.  Oftentimes in the past Chambers would host periodic meetings or gatherings where business owners (and sometimes employees) could socialize with one another and get to know others within the community.  This was when you would strike up conversations (and hopefully relationships) with other members of the Chamber in your town and use those connections for your benefit later on. While in-person meetings aren't happening yet with the current restrictions, many local Chambers are still participating in online meetings and chats via virtual platforms, and if you can get in touch by email or phone, you can probably request an "invite" to one of these virtual events. This will not only be the first step in getting to know those in your local chamber, but will also let you see how things are run within the organization and can give you perspective that will be valuable if and when in-person gatherings begin again. 

Community Involvement

Unlike the Chamber meetings, community events were often open to the public, making them a great place to find both other business owners, and potential employees. Local events were usually where vendors, business owners, and local professionals could mingle and lots of networking connections were made in this way. While those events won't happen for a while, there ARE ways to get involved in your community and make some of those same higher-level connections with professionals in your town. Look for opportunities to participate in something for the greater good of other residents in your city or neighborhood. Volunteer opportunities to help with those who are homebound, sponsoring students or organizations who are doing great things for our area during the COVID crisis, and even participating in community virtual events and chat forums can be easy ways to get your foot in the door with people who could help you fill openings in your staff, or help you find a job if you're seeking employment.

Conferences and Training 

In person conferences and work retreats are on hold for a while longer, but there are lots of training opportunities (paid and for free) online right now. By attempting to better yourself, you just might end up networking with some important connections at the same time! Both business owners and potential employees attend these types of trainings, and you never know who could be exactly the link you needed! 

Seeing local businesses thrive and grow is what Newton Peach Marketing is all about, and right now we want to make sure you feel supported as a small business owner. If you have questions about making sure your business is seen by the audience who needs your services most, or boosting your numbers online, call us for a free consultation and quote.